There are two of us. Together we write and draw in black and white. We prefer fantasy and imagination, and that shows in everything we do, including the names we have chosen for ourselves.


Corcho means cork, and Corcho chose it because when she was young her bedroom was the only one that didn’t have cork covering the walls. Other children watched clouds when they wanted to exercise their imagination, but Grendel used to look at the cork on her bedroom walls before falling asleep, to decide what she would dream about. Corcho didn’t have that, and for the longest time her imagination remained stunted. So, her name is a way for her to reclaim her late-blooming imagination.


Grendel chose her name because she loves the myths and legends of old, and since comparisons are unavoidable as far as inspiration and style are concerned, she thought her name was the best place to set the tone. It doesn’t have anything to do with being a monster. It’s just that some people treasure silence too.

When we create, we use the name CorchoGrendel, because we are inseparable, and our imaginations feed off each other. And that usually shows in our illustrations, as evidenced by our signature double-eyed characters.



One of the first movies Grendel remembers seeing was The Wizard of Oz, and we cannot think of a better example to explain why we only use black and white for our illustrations. The movie depicts reality in black and white and fantasy in full technicolor, but Grendel always thought that it should be the other way around. Because everywhere we look reality is full of colors that have too many personal connotations. So, we deliberately chose black and white to depict our fantasy. Also, Grendel has never dreamt in color.


Unlike Grendel, what Corcho liked about the movie were the missing brain, heart and liver (because courage should have its own organ too). So, we will use them to tell a little bit more about our style.

The brain is the story, the words. Grendel is a happy lettuce with too much imagination and too many ideas. Those ideas descend upon her like a flock of hungry birds, and it is Corcho’s job as the scarecrow of the family to draw the line. Because otherwise the birds would devour Grendel in an instant and no words would be written down.

The heart are the illustrations. There are so many ways to draw a heart that it would be a waste of our time to keep drawing the same heart over and over again. Each story deserves a heart of its own, and that is why we enjoy coming up with so many different character designs.

And the liver is the courage that took us too long to find. But as they say, better late than never. Now we are ready to let our birds fly away with our hearts. Who knows, maybe someone will see what we write and draw.