Whisper kiss.

ORIGINS: Remember the Moon Bites? We were looking for a little bit of magic. Maybe not a kiss under the moonlight, but certainly one that would drown every other noise out.


Sometimes while I kiss you I like to pretend that I am vanishing into you. You are not thin air, but neither am I a bird. It would be easier if I closed my eyes; if I flew at night, because that color is redolent of everlasting things I don’t know by name, and I would like to think that love is one of them. But nothing lasts forever, not even kisses, and that is why I don’t close my eyes. Because I refuse to hold on to you, if all I will get is the taste of lies in my breath.


This is what I see when we kiss. It is not me, and neither is it you. But I don’t know if I would call it a lie. I try to give you what you want, without forgetting to take what I need, and I am sure that you do the same. There is always a monkey, doing its best to please everyone. Only that monkey knows the words we put in the mouths of our dolls. What you and I want to hear in each other’s breath. The monkey imitates it as best it can. And I just wish there was a way to take that monkey with us when our kisses break. Because I need our love to last.


I know that I shouldn’t breathe life into these words, but the only time in my life when I don’t feel adrift is when I am kissing you. Our love makes sense when nothing else does. I feel like I have something worth keeping in my lungs, something worth treasuring. And if I were a seahorse, I would never let you go. I would anchor myself to you, and forget all about the outside world. About that raging storm, that only knows how to break waves, and sooner or later is bound to break our kiss.


Have you ever heard the saying Curiosity killed the cat? I don’t agree. I believe that even if they didn’t have nine lives, the worst that would have happened is that the cat would have lost an eye. And I can live with that. Every time we kiss, I see a little bit more of who you are. And even if one day I end up seeing too much, I believe that my love for you won’t come out of that kiss the worse for wear. Because there is ugliness in me too, and I had no problem learning to love those parts of myself. And I would do no less for you.


Bird: Every song is a kiss, but our beaks left the sky riddled with stars.


Bird: Would you help me patch up the Night if I promised you a song?


Monkey: If you are bound to imitate something, you could do worse than imitating kisses.


Monkey: Here’s a kiss just for you. Thank you for not letting me be the only one who fell from the tree.


Seahorse: Every wave is a goodbye kiss… and the reason some of us avoid the surface.


Seahorse: If you hold your breath the waves will fall back asleep without a goodnight kiss.


Cat: Kisses are shiny butterflies that make me want to sharpen my claws.


Cat: I will let you keep your tongue, so, hurry up and catch me some butterflies.