Tortoises or spaceships?

ORIGINS: This one’s predecessor had helmets that looked like turtle shells and ants that took over someone’s body. A turtle shell also looks like a spaceship. That is how the ants became invading aliens, and the sea turtles became tortoises, because aliens aren’t interested in conquering the sea.

* If you are wondering where the toys came from, let’s just say that TORTOISE became ThOR TO (for) ISEult, and that led to the love potion.

A God ran out of thunderbolts and he asked if he could borrow my spaceship, if he could borrow some of my tortoise’s eggs. The one’s that wouldn’t have made it on the sand. He flew to the stars. He scattered the eggs I gave him among the stars, and he waited until they hatched. Far away from the world, they became something else. Lightning bolts. A moment in time. Something that could take any shape. Free from constraints and expectations.

It was all a lie. They said that they loved me, that they would love me no matter what, but it was all a lie. Just like the one that God told me. He made me believe that the lightning bolts would be free. To become whatever they wanted to be. He never told me that he was in love. That he wanted roses to give to his love. He led me to believe that leaving the world behind would be enough. That there wouldn’t be any more constraints. But it was all a lie. His love was still there. Ready to shape.

Look what you made me do! You forced my hand. I had to break your spaceship, my shell. We had a deal, and you went back on your word. This was not what we came here to steal. My blood is cold, I have no interest in love. I refuse to take it back with us to the stars. If tortoises or stars were meant for love, our mothers would have stayed with us.

I remember the day I met the alien that would share my shell. I was looking up at the sky, thinking that everything was lost. But he promised to repair me, he promised to turn me into his spaceship. To share with me his secrets, the ones that allowed him to control time. He promised me that I would never have to hurry, that I could follow my own rhythm and do everything in my own time. That the stars wouldn’t go anywhere and I wouldn’t miss anything in my life.