The letter R, a queen, anger and a river.

All the words contain the letter R. We found a queen by a small river, and the dictionary told us that her story had to end in a display of anger.

Once upon a time there was a queen that loved the sound of her own voice. It was said that she would keep talking even if she were to burn her tongue. Even if she were to find herself underwater. One day, the court’s jester decided to put that theory to the test. He offered a fried fish to the queen, one that would certainly burn her tongue. The queen accepted, and that is what happened. The queen was angry. She wanted to scream at the jester. But the words wouldn’t go further than the tip of her burnt tongue. So, the queen counted them. And she had the jester cut in small pieces, one for each angry word that she had been denied. The queen threw the pieces into the river. She let her fish devour the jester. And she had the last laugh.

The letter R, a queen, anger and a river.

I am the queen of this river. Knowing that time touches everyone but me brings me joy.

I am the queen of queens. I wanted to rule over something else.


I am the queen of anger. I want to abdicate. However, the knowledge that I will be left with nothing stops me, because I see no substitute for that anger in sight.


I rule over the rain. And I hate it. Because someone else broke that ocean into pieces and it keeps breaking before my eyes.


I am the queen of queens. I have the best dolls and you don’t.


I am the queen of this river. Until the fish return I won’t have anything to rule over.


Supposedly, I am the queen of anger. You crowned me, but I cannot comprehend what made you think that I could rule over such an emotion, when everyone knows that it is the most untameable creature of them all.


I am a queen. God, the Rain, put me here. I am the rust that covers all the machines that roam the world. God put me here to be their queen, and I will never forget this grudge.


I am the queen of this river. I love using it to polish stones. To take the edge off everything that could harm me. To take it off the stones that those who cross my path throw into my river.


I am the queen of queens. Being special is wonderful when you are in the company of your equals. Being too special only results in loneliness.


I was the queen. I wish I had realized sooner that anger was sneaking into my realm. Maybe then I could have done something to prevent the usurpation of my throne.


I am the queen of riddles. But if I own both the question and the answer, what is the point of living my life? Someone should give me something. To me. I don’t want to give anything more to those that entertain themselves with my riddles.