Swan-tailed scorpions.

ORIGINS: For some reason the nose of the sixth character in the original series made us think of a scorpion with its tail held high. And since songs are the perfect weapon to pierce the heart, we liked the idea of the last one dripping with venom.


What’s done is done. I won’t bemoan the fate of all my other songs. But this one is my last. Its my swan song. The one I will remember myself by. And I will defend it no matter what. I will sting anyone who comes near it. Releasing all the venom that has grown inside me. A drop for every one of my trampled songs.


There was a time when I dreamed of crushing every bright light in the sky between my pincers. But I don’t do that anymore. All those dreams are a thing of my past. A swan flew me to the sky, because I promised to let it sing among the stars. And I couldn’t be happier, because now every time I snap my pincers, I get to call those sparks stars.


Why did you have to turn something beautiful into something useful? Why couldn’t you let me believe that a song was something that came from the heart? You made me notice the scorpion. The venom dripping from the swan’s mouth. And now every smile I see feels like a sting. Like something sharp. Meant to take something away from me.


Don’t lie to yourself. If those songs were just for you, you would have sung them inside your head. You chose to sing aloud, and that means that you wanted something from someone else. So, why change now? If this is your last song, you should make sure that it will get you what you want. At least once. I say you make them hurt. Until their heart bleeds from their ears. Like yours did, from your mouth, with every song you sang, and no one heard.