Swan or Dolphin.

ORIGINS: In the original series, the seventh character’s eyebrows were supposed to be two melting swans, but one of them ended up looking more like a dolphin. And that is how this pairing was born.


Swan: I never wanted these wings. Their up-and-down movement reminds me too much of ocean waves. Of things that break, time and time again, never learning their lesson. And I don’t want to associate that feeling with my flight. 

Dolphin: I have an easy solution for you. Don’t fly. Use your wings as if they were a blanket, and tuck someone else under it. Wish someone else sweet dreams. Hold them tightly, and make sure that their dreams never break.


Swan: I don’t want to keep dreaming inside my head. My dreams should be a crown on my head, proudly displayed, for everyone to see who I am. A dolphin with the musical power to break the world into pieces, by holding a high note. I have realized that my heart is still a work in progress, and keeping it on my sleeve would be too much of a risk. Because someone else could break it into pieces, before I had the chance to see its true shape. At least my dreams are already complete. If someone were to break them, I would know how to put the pieces back together.    

Dolphin: That’s the problem with dreams. To make them come true, something has to break into pieces. Just like a wave. And since that can’t happen inside your head, that only leaves the world. I have heard that someone’s dream is bound to be someone else’s nightmare. But I still want my dreams to come true. I suppose everyone does. So, I will have to learn to live with that burden, with that guilt.


Swan: I’ve heard that the moon has two colors. Swan white and dolphin grey. I’ve heard that the moon is tethered to our planet, that it will never be able to fly into the sunset, into the happier future that awaits in the darkness of space. That’s why I have decided to fly back down. If the future is out of my reach, I will dive into my memories. I will reimagine my past. And maybe one of those dreams will come true one day.

Dolphin: I always wake up before reaching the last page of my dreams, you know, the one where The End should be written. I don’t like that feeling. It’s white. Like a swan. Like a ghost, lingering on my hair, because it still has unfinished business. It doesn’t feel like a dream anymore. It’s a nightmare. And I want it gone. Because it feels like every step I take is in vain. It feels like I am not going anywhere. And I never will. Because that sunset on the horizon is already taken. It has already been written, as someone else’s future.       


Swan: I like the bear paw I see in your eye. Do you think that the bear would do something for me too, if I asked it nicely? I need a new wing for my swan, and at least a wave for my dolphin. Do you think that the bear would give them to me, if I promised to take good care of them? If I promised to dream only the sweetest dreams, and agreed to share some of that honey with it?

Dolphin: I don’t see why not. You just have to make sure not to do a halfhearted job. Don’t leave your dreams unfinished. Do everything in your power to make them come true. Fly. Swim. Just make sure not to sink. Because I know for a fact that the bear doesn’t like chunks in its honey.