ORIGIN: It’s a bit of a stretch, so we will be keeping the truth to ourselves. You can have this consolation lie: people sin in thought, word and deed, but all is forgivable. Souls can be replaced.

Here, allow me to help. I shall use my words and my actions to give you a new pair of eyes. Worry not, my darling, I shall dispose of your old soul for you.


Monkey: Children grow up. They watch and learn. But that wouldn’t be fair. I can’t expect you to keep wasting your life imitating those around you. You show promise. And you deserve to create something you can proudly put your signature on.


Piranha: What was not to like? My smile was all sharp teeth. Thanks to me, you reached the peak of Happiness. I cleared the way for you, and water took care of the blood. I taught you to be selfish and always put your own needs first. And this is how you repay me? Selfless people exist only to help sharpen the teeth of piranhas like me.


Snail: I understand. Dreams can’t be shared. No one else can take shelter in that snail shell. Sooner or later you would begrudge your happiness. And I would hate to be the one that drove you to the mouth of some hungry bird.


Songbird: Don’t worry, I can tell when I am no longer wanted. As soon as I finish this song, I will take wing. I will leave you to yourself and never darken this door again. Be considerate if that is what your heart needs to let you sleep soundly at night. Just don’t expect others to extend you the same courtesy.

Brainwashing complete. You don’t need to have the answers whispered in your ear anymore. Now’s the time to show how far you have come.


Those who only have your best interests at heart. That’s what family is. They know best. And you would do well to listen when they speak.


Love had its time, it had its place. It’s high time we left that word to gather dust among all the other out-of-print fairy tale books. Strong and independent is this day and age’s bestseller.


Jump off a bridge. Jump off a bridge. Jump off a bridge. You don’t want to feel left out. You don’t want to miss out. You want to partake in that welcoming laughter too.


Sorry to disappoint, but these glasses don’t seem to be working. Are you sure a homeland is still something that can tug at people’s heartstrings?

Rejoice! The weight is off your shoulders. Do you feel like you are floating? You should enjoy it while it lasts. Because a little bird has told me that’s the closest thing to freedom you will experience in your life.


I used to think that playing was something children did. Something they eventually outgrew. But I won’t be responsible for anybody else. I’ve been told that my life is mine and I should do as I please. So, I guess I will move on to more age-appropriate games.


If this is a joke, I’m sorry, but it has fallen flat. If you had told me to grow up, I would have stood a chance. Get a job. Form a family. I would have carried the weight of my world on my shoulders and done my best not to let my loved ones down. But you told me to be happy. You put that pressure on me. On my heart. Somewhere I can’t shrug it off. Because what made me happy yesterday won’t make me happy tomorrow. And you didn’t even bother to define happiness for me.


Dreaming is free. It lets you breathe. And if you want the magic to last, the trick is to never try to make your dreams come true. You weren’t given wings, and you shouldn’t go breaking all the bones in your shoulders for something you were never meant to hold in your arms.


Maybe I was just born with an old heart and that’s the reason my blood doesn’t sing. I don’t feel fulfilled. I need a purpose. I need responsibilities. I would have made a good breadwinner. But I only buy groceries for one. And they sit like lead in my stomach.

Have you misplaced your tongue? Don’t worry, my darling, I have a replacement, right here, just for you. Say aah.


What do giraffes eat? Acacia leaves? I don’t know. Don’t those look just like feathers? Depriving someone of their freedom wouldn’t sit well with me.


Chameleons eat crickets, and I guess that I wouldn’t mind keeping up the good work. I sure would appreciate a little respite from all the noise.


The warning was issued a long time ago, and I thought that I knew best. I stared at the sun, and now there are ants dancing before my eyes. I will gladly take that anteater’s tongue you are offering, thank you very much.


Don’t get me wrong, nectar sounds nice, but I don’t have a sweet tooth, and I would rather not borrow that bat’s tongue. If you already know that life isn’t sweet, why don’t you spare me the disillusion and just point me in the direction of something salty or bitter?