ORIGINS: Do you see the medallion that’s next to the fifth character in the original series? Corcho said that if it had been any more obvious, it would have bitten her on the nose. Puppies are the missing pieces of each and every crescent moon.


What do you want me to say? I was lonely and I bought a puppy. If you were in my socks, you would do the same.


The fish in this sack? They are my selfishness, of course. What else could they be? I am a lonely moon. I stole a wolf, but I didn’t do it out of love. I needed a puppy that fit into my loneliness. I was desperate to be loved. And my heart chose the easiest route.


Don’t be fooled by the five-pointed cut-outs in this sack. Real stars don’t touch. Not without burning each other to dust. And I have learned from their mistakes. There may be no fire without smoke, but all I have left is moonlight. There is no fire in my heart, only cold embers. Not love. Loneliness. Everything hurts. I can’t take another blow. But I need touch. Something safe. An obedient puppy, that won’t pulverize my heart.


I am the moon. Have you ever seen me on the horizon? Sunrises and sunsets. That’s all people like you have eyes for. Is it any wonder that my loneliness knows no bounds? Lucky for me, the world is full of puppies waiting for a good home.


Are you curious as to why this sock puppet looks like a puppy? It’s pretty simple, really. Have you ever felt loved? Have you ever had the world at your feet? That’s where dogs sleep. At their owners’ feet. It’s like changing the rules of the universe. You are just the moon. But love makes that dog orbit you. And that’s enough to make you feel like no other star can outshine you.


Don’t be silly. Why would I be wearing a sock puppet? This puppy is a telescope. I am looking for someone to love. Someone that won’t repay my loyalty and my devotion by breaking my heart. Never again. I don’t want to cry. I don’t want to turn into a fish. Breathing sadness until I feel at home there, that’s my worst nightmare. I need to change my heart’s orbit. But if I can’t, that’s when I will use this puppy to wipe away my tears. And at least keep the sadness from rising above my nose.


Sniff, sniff. I am not going to cry. I am sniffing the air. That’s my lie, and I am sticking to it. I have found a trail. It’s faint, but it’s there. I recognize that shooting star. Once upon a time, I made a similar wish. Nobody loved me, but I… Sniff, sniff. I am going to change the fate of that star. That’s it. I will become a puppy, and I will love with all my heart. Until it bursts at the seams. Stardust everywhere. And the magic makes reciprocity a reality.


Repeat after me. You are a dog. You are a dog. You are a dog. These four walls are everything you have ever known. That’s your family. They love you, and you love them. This is your one and only life. The past happened to somebody else. You have never been, and never will be, a wolf. What’s done is done. And this is your home, home, home.


There is a dog-shaped hole in my heart. It hurts. Life is mean. It cursed us with different lifespans. But why do I have to be the one that’s left behind? Why? My love was stronger. Sharper. I could feel it in my nails. That desperate loneliness. Telling me to sink, sink, sink. Is that the reason why? Is your shallow skin to blame? It wouldn’t break under my nails. All my crescent moons disappeared from your skin, without leaving the faintest scar. Did I do this to myself? Did I empty my own heart?


My teeth ache. Soon, they will be gone too. But at least I got to say goodbye to you. My one and only regret is that I never got to hear your heart. Because I was too busy putting words in your mouth. Being loved, how I wanted to be loved.


What now? Should I buy a goldfish? The stars say that it helps. That it will rub off on me too. That three second memory. And I will forget my last pet. Twinkle, twinkle. They say that I will be as good as new in no time. And I want to believe them. I really do. But something tells me that it won’t work. That the spell will have the opposite effect on me. Because I am the moon, and my new doesn’t shine.


This is called being fortunate, right? I can tell that there is a hole in my heart, but if my moon stays quiet, I will never know that it’s supposed to be the silhouette of a dog. It’s a small mercy, but I will take it. I will call someone else my love, and it won’t feel like a replacement. Not at all.