Pigs, suns and big waves.

We have a pig’s day and a big wave that sound alike. It’s a two-syllable word, and if we cut it in half, we get two suns. 

Once upon a time there was a little girl that was half pig and half sun. But she wanted to shine like the sun. She wanted to be all sun. Because she was tired of being called ugly, she was tired of being seen only as a pig, when she knew that one of her halves had the power to shine.

In the eyes of everyone else, the pig overshadowed the sun. And that hurt. It hurt so much that every time she was called a pig something ugly grew a little bit more inside her. Hatred. For that part of herself. Until one day the little girl decided to look for another shiny half, to become a complete sun.

What she didn’t know was that there is a reason why two halves of a sun never become one. A reason why one of the halves has to overshadow the other. The sea has a weakness for those suns, it cannot control its appetite. Thus, the big wave that swallowed that little girl whole.

Pigs, suns and big waves.

I look at the sea and I know why it acts like it does. There was a time when there was no sky, when two seas joined and became one. But the stars didn’t like that. They sent a meteor and out of that tragedy the moon rose. To rule over the waves.


I am a sun. Darkness doesn’t exist. I only have eyes for my own light.


After the big wave the land will become mud and the pigs will inherit that sty.


I am a sun. Nothing can extinguish me. Neither darkness nor water. I am happy and I shine.


If the sea is willing to destroy the world with a big wave every time two halves of a sun meet, there must be someone out there willing to destroy the world for me, for my two halves of a pig. The sun has nothing on me. I am beautiful and I deserve to have the world destroyed in my name too.


I am a sun. My past doesn’t erase me and I don’t erase my past. I am more than just two halves. I am all the suns that have preceded me.