Painted faces and folkloric puppets.

ORIGINS: In a different language, flower is the LORE in folklore. But lore is also that place between the eyes and the “beak” of a bird, reptile or fish. Since fairies are pretty, we decided to go with make up, with animals painted on the face. And the puppets are mythological creatures that come from the same place as that flower that inspired everything.


There was a time when I bemoaned my fate. I thought that nothing could be worse than being an unlucky bird. But then I met a LAMIA, a beautiful girl, with the feet of a duck, and a comb always in her hand. A bird that didn’t know how to fly. A girl that spent all her days combing her long hair. Meeting her made me realize that I could fly. It made me forget the stones that had been thrown at me, the ones that had taught me how to fly. For my life. If it weren’t for her, flying would still be something ugly in my life. But she made me realize that I don’t want to stay on the ground, plucking my feathers, one by one.


I have never understood why we have two eyes, when we only have one heart. Sometimes I think that I would be happier if I had been born with only one eye. If I was a TORTO, and my heart wasn’t torn in half. Sometimes I think that I would feel like a giant, that I would be able to grow into myself, if only I hadn’t been born a bird. If my life wasn’t split between the sky and the ground. Sometimes I think that I would be able to feel at home, warm and happy inside my heart, if I was one of those birds that no longer know how to fly.   


I hate witches. I hate people who grant wishes. There was a time when the ocean was full of mermaids. But all of them made the same wish. They chose a faraway land. Leaving little fish like me alone in the ocean. Mermaids left, leaving the ocean full of thrash. Full of little fish like me. That’s how they made me feel. Like something undesirable, like something that had to be wished away. And the worst part is that I don’t want to be here anymore. I wish I could leave too. But the leader of the witches, AKERBELTZ, has told me that he can’t grant my wish. That I am all fish. And if he granted my wish, there would be nothing left of me.    


I have heard that this forest has a lord, and his name is BASAJAUN. But it doesn’t matter. I have time. I am a serpent, I know what to do to get what I want. A garden and a forest aren’t all that different. Soon he will be gone, and the trees will start to fall. One by one. Leaving room for the future. For the city I will have built in my name.