ORIGINS: We wanted to do something with opposites, and these were the first that crossed our minds. Beauty and ugliness. Peacock feathers and thistles.

By the way, where we come from, Donkey is the last name of our thistles. Just so you know why they make an appearance.

Thistle: Tell me a difference.

Peacock Feather: Yours drinks blood, mine eats fruit. But who cares? Sooner or later sugar leaves a sour aftertaste in the mouth.

Peacock Feather: Your turn. Tell me a similarity.

Thistle: Both their noses are shaped like a leaf that makes me want to weep.

Thistle: Tell me a difference.

Peacock Feather: Unlike mine, yours doesn’t have ears to swat away flies and other unwanted memories.

Peacock Feather: Your turn. Tell me a similarity.

Thistle: Both are called elephants.

Peacock Feather: Tell me a difference.

Thistle: The neck of your swan forms a hill, whereas the neck of my vulture forms a valley. Either life has been kinder to you, or I am more prone to tears than you.

Thistle: Your turn. Tell me a similarity.

Peacock Feather: Both have wings, so, the sky is well within their reach.

Thistle: Tell me a difference.

Peacock Feather: Trees bury their roots in the ground, but birds touch the clouds with their wings. So, you will use yours to write a life, and I will use mine to write a dream.

Peacock Feather: Your turn. Tell me a similarity.

Thistle: Sooner or later we will lose interest. There will be no more words running through our veins, only dust and tears.