ORIGINS: The eyes of the first character in the original series say it all. If the eyes weren’t there, for them to lean on, those weavers would be beyond crestfallen.


Don’t be mad. Would it change anything if I told you that they were just trying to help? No? Then I won’t waste my breath lying to you. I have never liked the aftertaste of lies in my mouth, and they are cats. What did you expect? If you didn’t want to bring out their playful side, you shouldn’t have wound your yarn into a ball.


Do you believe in Fate? I don’t know much about tapestries, but they can’t be all that different from nets. I think that we weave our own traps. But I too would like to blame someone else. Bad luck on a black bird, that hoards the stars for itself. Too much knowledge on a far-sighted owl, that doesn’t take anyone’s feelings into account. But the truth is that there is happiness in this life, and I am the one that doesn’t reach for it because it doesn’t match my dreams.


I take the good with the bad. My hair isn’t built to catch and release. I may not cherish all my memories, but I do my best to keep all of them. Because I intend to remember a life, not a lie.


Are you tired, mommy? Don’t worry, we will help you up. We love you lots, and that will be enough to keep you afloat. You will see.


A jealous spider has torn my net to shreds, but I forgive her. I haven’t reached my zenith yet, but I am sure that it must hurt very much. Knowing that you have already done your best, and you will only grow farther and farther apart from the stars where you painted your hopes and dreams. But I still have a ways to go. A thousand nets to weave. If it makes her feel better, that spider can keep the shreds of my childish first attempt. Because my stars shine too brightly for me to be easily discouraged.


You didn’t have to break my net. I would have been glad to accept your challenge, I would even have accepted my loss with grace. My hands may be covered in calluses, but I wouldn’t have harbored any hard feelings. We don’t have a say in what we are born with. But you broke my net. That was your choice. And mine is to not waste my time on you. There will be no competition. There will be no hate. Not on my part.


Sorry. I honestly thought that I was better than that. But it seems that I believe in that old adage, an eye for an eye, with every fiber of my being. I fell in love with you. You were the only reason I wove this spiderweb. But you struggled, you got free, breaking my heart in the process, and before I knew it, I had already torn part of your wing. Sorry, my love.


Why? Why couldn’t you let me have some of your iridescent colors? My dream is out of reach. I need it to change. Into something I can actually fulfill. Why did you have to break through my net? Shouldn’t victory go to the one with the loudest heartbeat? You already have all the colors you could ever want. You are happy. But I am desperate! And I should have gotten the prize.


If I had a net, I would try to catch a dream. My brother has a Muse spoon-feeding him, but Sleep hasn’t thrown me even a single scrap after all these years. I am beginning to think that it would be better if I just took things into my own hands and went after a dream I really like. After all, I have heard that arranged marriages pale in comparison with love, and what I want is a colorful dream.


If I had a net, I would try to catch that slippery fish called Hope. No, don’t try to tell me otherwise. Hope is a fish. It isn’t a light in the dark. I know it’s not, because light is something that slips through your fingers, and only the dust that used to float in it remains in your hands. Your dead skin returns home to kill you a little bit more. And I refuse to call that heartbreaking monster Hope. My fish swims in the sea. Where all life began. And that is the only thing it will bring back to me. Life.


If I had a net, I would catch a breath. Any breath would do. I am not possessive; I am not the kind of person that gets homesick. All I need is a reason to go on, and I don’t care where it comes from, as long as it makes me feel alive.


Why would you ask such an awful question? You know that silence only exist in outer space. And even there, it can’t be caught. Breaths and heartbeats would get in the way, and then it would be cold, cold darkness for me. But that is not the peace I am looking for.