Narwhals and starry nights.

ORIGINS: The last characters we did had coral reefs and starry nights on their faces, their animal was a beetle, but the sixth one’s eyebrows looked like a narwhal riddled with stars, and we couldn’t say no. Its tusk didn’t look too sharp, but we thought that it would be better not to chance it.

*As for the sheep, stars are white, and so too are waves. In a different language, sheep is another word for wave. And we thought that the narwhal would like the company, because no one likes to dream alone. 

How will I make my dreams come true now? I lost my tooth. The narwhal tusk that allowed me to pierce stars in the night. I tried crying, and it didn’t work. I tried bawling, until my eyes fell out, but nothing worked. Without my narwhal tusk I can’t let the light in. And I don’t want to accept that this is how it ends. That I wasted my last wish. I don’t want to. But that seems to be the only choice I have left.             

You lied to me. You told me that you would always be there for me. That you would open a path for me, because you wanted to see me going farther than you had been able to go. You made me believe in something magical, in a horned creature, that made me feel like I was part of a beautiful dream. But you left. You took the magic with you. And left me here. Under these cold stars. To fend for myself.

There was a time when I used to wish upon the stars, a time when I believed in magic and rising waves that never crashed. That was before you told me that everything was just a trick. Before you told me that narwhals didn’t use their tusks to pierce stars in the night. That the only trick they knew was making a bouquet of fake flowers appear, when their tusk broke in two. And I realized that you also knew a trick. Because you had broken my heart in two.

Do you see all those stars? They are holes, that the Night hasn’t bothered to fill in. The dream of a young narwhal, whose tusk was still sharp, because it hadn’t lost its hope yet. The bleating of sheep, wishing for a better life, one that wouldn’t make them cry, until they became waves in the sea. I have a bunch of stars up there too. One for every childish tooth that has fallen from my mouth. But I grew new teeth. Look, there are no gaps in my smile. That’s because I had to accept that most of the time, people simply don’t care.