Lion and rooster.

ORIGINS: In the original series, the eyes of the second character make us think of a lion that’s facing away from a rooster. And since both of them have the sun in common, we thought that they would make a nice combination.

By the way, the props are built from the eyes of each character, but friends like to exchange gifts.

Lion: Are you angry with me?

Rooster: Angry isn’t the word I would use. You are the sun, of the two of us, I should be the one that was unable to hold your gaze. But you keep averting your eyes, and I don’t know whether I want to pull out your mane or gouge out your eyes.

Lion: I would let you gouge out my eyes.

Rooster: But not pull out your mane?

Lion: So that you could give it to someone else? I don’t want to be replaced. Knowing that every sun has to set sometime is already bad enough. I don’t want to see you singing to someone else. My heart is not ready, it’s still too early. The sky hasn’t even grown dark yet. And I don’t have to yawn, to feel tears already taking over my eyes.

Lion: Please, don’t do this. I thought that you loved me. Please, don’t pull my hair. Don’t drag me down.

Rooster: Why not? You forget that I sang for you. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have risen so high, higher than any other lion ever has.

Lion: But you loved me. You wanted me to rise, you told me that was the reason you sang.

Rooster: But I never told you to shine so brightly! I can’t even look at you anymore. My eyes hurt! And it’s high time the sun set.

Lion: Thank you. I know you meant well, and I will never resent your song. You gave me a dream, and even though it ended in tears, you will only ever hear gratitude coming out of my mouth. No matter how close to my scalp the scissors cut, even if they draw blood and the sunset colors everything red, I know that you loved me, and I will always love you.

Rooster: Then, why can’t you look me in the eye? I don’t mind if there is anger in that color. I don’t mind if the sunset is too raw for words and everything hurts. I can keep quiet. You can cry in front of me. I never wanted to share just a dream with you. I am here. And if it helps, I will close my eyes. I won’t look. I will give you time to wash all the lies off the color red. Because I don’t want to lose you. I want you to stay, and meet my gaze again.

Lion: It’s a beautiful song.

Rooster: You don’t have to lie to me. I know that you have no need for it and it bores you to tears.

Lion: It does not. Sometimes I can’t help closing my eyes and losing myself in what-ifs. In the new heights I could have reached, if only I had tried. If you see tears in my eyes, they aren’t there because your song bores me. They are there to pave my way back. To this reality, where you sing every morning, trying to encourage me, and I don’t have the courage to do the same. To at least try and do justice to your song.