Leopard and Moth.

ORIGINS: The fifth character of the original series had a leopard hidden above one eye and a moth above the other. It was a pretty pairing, and we thought that it deserved its own quarter.


I have been told that I have an old soul. But I don’t mind. I like all the holes of my moth-eaten self, these leopard spots that will never change. I don’t need to spend a lifetime trying on different things. I already know what I want, what I like and what makes me happy. And I see no reason to change. I see no reason to remain a child, just to please someone else.


Someone once told me that I was a leopard. That my spots looked just like dark clouds, like sadness that I would never be able to shed. Not even if I waited a lifetime, until I was all grown up, and tried to feed those spots to a moth. She told me that I had been born like that. That no matter what she did, I remained a sad little kid. She blamed me. For making her feel sad. Even though I was just a kid, and she was the one that did everything.   


Do you know what moths do? They eat old things, like those clothes forgotten inside a wardrobe that you no longer wear. But I will prove that my leopard is stronger than them. I will hold on to my dreams. I won’t let my spots change. The moths are welcome to them. They can try to eat my dreams. But I won’t forget them, not even after I grow up.


This is goodbye. My moth’s work here is all done. It has already eaten all there was to eat, I have enough leopard spots to know who I am, and never forget the things that are really important to me. A pair of deer came looking for my moth. They had stars on their fur, and they pointed upwards, making my moth notice the night sky for the first time. That pitiful night sky, that has lost all its stars. And that’s when I knew where my moth would go next. This is goodbye. But I am not sad. Because soon I will get to see all the new stars that my moth will eat in the night.