ORIGINS: We wanted to try our hands at something different. It was never about turning frowns into smiles. We just wanted proof that eyebrows and mouths are the most expressive part of any face. And eyes, eyes are nothing but window dressing.

By the way, those cards are where we got the inspiration to turn everything upside down.


The knave of spades is empty-handed. Poor thing, it seems he doesn’t have anything to fight for. Not even himself. If it were me, I would hold onto the hands of my reflection and never let go. Mirrors don’t show realities. They only show dreams and nightmares. And I am willing to give my life for one and wrest control from the other.


Frowns may look like smiles when you turn them upside down, but I have no interest in changing my outlook on life. I would never ask a bird to give up the sky. Just like I would never look for hope in the ground. Some worms may have learned to glow in the dark, but I would never force the stars to trade places with them, just so that I could touch them.


The queen of hearts keeps a deer with only one antler. Can’t you guess what happened to the other antler? Winter came to an end, and the deer planted it in the loneliest place it could find. Because love shouldn’t take anyone’s breath away. Love should give freely. Peace. Belonging. Lungful after lungful of something worth sharing. Something light, like air. Full of life. That doesn’t inspire people to hoard their treasures, like hearts hoard their beats.


If I could turn anything upside down? I am selfish, so, my choice would be a deer. I don’t owe anything to the world. I have no intention of branching off. But I have always wanted to have roots. To feel that I belong. I may not be the beginning nor the end. The world goes on without me. But I am selfish enough to want to be the sole recipient of someone’s love and hoard it in my heart.


The knave of diamonds has an unnamed creature in the palm of his hand. He has whispered in the little creature’s ear that it is a diamond in the rough. That he can see its potential. The bright future all other stars pale in comparison with. There is no such thing as fate. There are countless paths in front of us. Names. Waiting to be worn. Like bear. Like mouse. Waiting for that little creature to rise to its feet and start walking towards the horizon.


Do you really think that the world can be turned upside down? Numbers aren’t my thing, but I have never had trouble reading words upside down. The sky and the ocean may have some colors in common, but even if you somehow got them to trade places, I wouldn’t mistake one for the other. Birds wouldn’t swim, and fish wouldn’t fly. But maybe you are the type of person that is content just redefining words.


The king of clubs doesn’t believe in luck. Hard work may not always pay off, but he doesn’t expect charity. He can’t live with pity. His knuckles may be white, but soon he will release that bird into the sky. It won’t come back. That’s life. But at least he will have a truthful answer. He will be able to move on and start working hard for someone else.


Sure. Why not? If you want me to show you a magic trick, I can make my frown disappear. How do you like this smile? Does it show enough teeth? I can smile even wider. Anything to make you feel better. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself, trying to see what you want to see. I don’t mind turning my head upside down. The magical thing about hedgehogs is that when they roll into a ball, they disappear behind their quills, and little things like smiles and frowns, or people like you, don’t matter anymore.