In the shadow of fish.

ORIGINS: Once again, you have to use your imagination here. In the original series, the eyes of the third character made us think of fish and their shadows. Water may be trapped, but foam is free. Fish are skilled dreamers, and it shouldn’t be too difficult for their shadows to give their bones the slip and become who they really wish they could be.


Who follows in your shadow, stray wolf?


Can’t you tell? The little girl that has been told to be as fierce and cruel as I am.


Whose shadow do you follow, oblivious elephant?


Shhhh, be careful what you say. My heart hasn’t realized it yet, but one day I will need to forget, and only a bird will be able to carry my memories far, far away from me.


Who follows in your shadow, dreamy deer?


A little monkey that wants to dream as far away from the ground as possible. But I don’t know how to tell him that my antlers aren’t any better than the branches of a tree. There is no magic in the air, there is no mercy in the wind that blows through them. One day he will fall, and he will wake up to broken bones and heartbreak.


Whose shadow do you follow, lonely bear?


I have no use for stars or snowflakes. I have chosen the shadow of this tree for my winter sleep, because I want to dream up a new life for myself.