Ice cream angels.

ORIGINS: The second character of the original series has an ice sculpture of a swan on its nose. The swan’s head looks just like and ice cream. Its beak is the cone, and there is an angel holding the ice cream scoop in its wings.


No, thank you. I don’t want an ice cream, even if you have sprinkled it with stars. I know that things melt. That they drip down. Until the floor is littered with small ants. I know that happiness, wonder and dreams don’t simply fade away. I know that they melt. That they become something ugly and unrecognizable in the end. And I have to act like an anteater, if I want to remember that there was a time when I was happy. A time when everything sparkled with magic, and I dreamt every night. 


Don’t be silly. You can’t eat an ice cream before it has started to melt. You have to wait. Until one flavor becomes part of the next. Until they are inseparable, the best of friends. How else do you expect to change the world for the better?


The angel has shown me too many things. I know that I should pick one of them, before the ice cream melts away. But there are too many, and none of them looks like a future I would one day learn to love. I don’t want to run in place, without going anywhere, while the world melts beneath my feet. I don’t want to be a circus elephant, I don’t want to become a mighty creature, reduced to entertaining others. The angel has sprinkled too many brochures over me. She has buried me under too many choices. And I don’t like any of them.


Don’t be mean. Don’t say that she is a clown, don’t say that she is a fool. My angel is neither of those things. She would do anything for me. She has promised to protect me, and be there for me whenever I need her. That’s what you do when you love someone. You give your life for them. And make sure that they remember that sacrifice like the sweetest ice cream. Like something done willingly, out of love.