ORIGINS: This one is a bit of a stretch. What caught our attention was the hair of the third character in the original series. We saw the first hint of what would later become a husky dragging an owl across the snow. And we decided to add a german shepherd because why not?

By the way, there is a rhyme and a reason to the words we chose. We had an OWL and a DOG. All we did was leave out the o’s.


I am not asking for much. If you are going to waste years of people’s lives, the least you can do is actually teach them to survive.


Why do they have to be incompatible? I am loyal, that is how my heart was built. But I deserve to be happy too. Why is there no reciprocity in this life?


Dreams are starlight, they belong in the darkest nights. But if you dream away your days, instead of actually living your life, gravity is bound to kick in. You invite gloom and doom. Because nothing can live up to your dreams, and you can’t live in them forever.


Don’t talk to me about wishes; the mere mention gives me goosebumps. There are no genies. Nobody will ever give you anything for free. There is always a price, even if you don’t notice it at the time.


Useless owl, you only told me things that I could have easily found in books. I don’t need numbers and words meant to be recited by heart in a monotone. Not from you. I needed a pellet of wisdom that would finally open my eyes to the realities of life. Something that would teach me how to scrape the last particle of loyalty off my heart, so that I could finally move on and make the right choice, for once in my life.


The Moon has put a price on my head. She wants me back, but she is willing to settle for silencing my dog and blinding my owl. If I am not devoted to her, I won’t be allowed to love, not even in my wildest dreams. If I don’t stay up all night, with her as the only apple of my eye, darkness is all I will be allowed to have. And I hate the fact that my owl is weaker than my dog. My dog is willing to be spoiled, to bark and play along. But my owl needs something to live for. Inspiration. Knowledge. My owl needs stars it can connect, and he won’t take any chances. He would rather settle for the moon.


What did you expect from a light heart? Birds fly after the sun. They follow their happiness. If you wanted your heart to stay buried in your chest, you should have laid it on thicker. What good is loyalty if you can’t even guilt your bird into staying in its cage? You left the door wide open, and it’s no wonder that it chose a warmer embrace. But at least it didn’t fly away behind your back, so, you should count your blessings.


Don’t talk to me about loyalty. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life feeding dogs and telling myself that what they give me in return is love. They come from wolves, and there is nothing lonelier than moonlight. It makes you weak. Desperate to spill blood. I want a bird that’s free. A bird that flies in empty air, with its beak closed, without spilling its own heart and twisting its song into an ugly leash. But winged creatures fly away and only come back when it suits them. And I refuse to stoop to thieving. I am not the moon. I would never rip off anyone’s wings, just to try and dull my loneliness.


I am sorry, my owl, but I need you to stay awake. My heart can’t help who it loves, and the Night will always steer my dreams. I can’t wrest control; I am just a dog that does what it is told. But you still have wings, and I need you to take me for a ride. Let me pretend, just once, that I have a say. Let me daydream about the love I want. It will be our little secret. No one will find out. But if my heart ever gets wind of it, I promise that I won’t lay the blame at your feet. I will take the beating. I am used to it.


Doomsday is here. This owl has nothing left to foretell. There is no need to pull sledges across the snow anymore, people are beyond help. Soon everything will we buried in ashes, but if you still want to feel useful, my dog, you could always peel me a grape. I will let you keep me company. When you are done, you can lie down at my feet and watch this planet finally go up in flames, in a last attempt to fit in with the stars.


I guess it depends on your outlook. I have always thought that owls would make wonderful genies. Knowledge is power, after all. And regardless of how light their bones are, birds will always be chained to the ground. No, the fault lies with me. I am a dog, loyal at heart, and I wasted my three wishes on someone that didn’t deserve my love.


An owl whispered in my ear. Why would I credit the fear that broke out all over my flesh to some goose? Snow doesn’t scare me, I can make my way across it, leaving countless footprints in my wake. And even if the crystals cut me when they alight on my skin, I can shake them off before they bury me. But that owl spoke on behalf of the Night. Something I cannot deny. Something I cannot overwrite. Because there is darkness at the bottom of my heart, and it will always find a way, the smallest pores, to seep out.

  • The tracks have to be covered. The snow cannot be trusted. Fortunately, this husky has the knowledge to do it himself.
  • Pigs know the mud like the palm of their hand, but that is not what this german shepherd wants to sightsee. He will ride on the back of an owl and enjoy the best clouds.
  • his owl once foretold a wolf’s future, and he decided, then and there, that he would rather die than become someone’s pet. Who could have foretold that Death would take an instant liking to him? Certainly not that owl, whose ghost will spend the rest of forever looking over his shoulder.
  • This dead owl smells like the night. Its wing will make a good doormat. The husky will wipe his paws on it. Because snowflakes aren’t all that different from the stars, and his dreams deserve to be thrown into the best trash can there is. Only then will the husky allow himself to call it a treasure box.
  • The owl wants to help. He wants to share his knowledge. Like a gift. And the husky doesn’t know how to tell him that he won’t make a good sledge.
  • The owl asked that german shepherd to teach him some loyalty. Who would have thought that coming back into the fold wouldn’t be as easy as folding a wing?
  • The snow broke that husky’s heart. It didn’t give him a direction in life. But the owl, that knows a thing or two about the stars, takes pity on him and drags his wings over the snow. If the husky needs a path he can call fate, the owl will gladly give it to him.
  • You shall not pass. Begone from my sight, you monster. I won’t let you touch a hair on this loyal dog’s head.