Hair silhouette.

ORIGINS: If you ignore the dinosaurs, the lantern and the butterflies, and only look at the character’s hairline, you have the potential for two faces in profile. We simply added what was missing.

Also, here too, the props are built from the eyes of each character.


There are three of us. Past, present and future. It should be obvious, but I am neither a memory nor a dream. Thus, I am the only one that isn’t buried under waves and waves of hair. What was the question again? Love? Sunsets, numbers and teddy bears. Now you can try and guess whom each answer belongs to.


Do you have a question for us? When I still lived at home, I missed it every time I needed warmth, a hug, a shoulder or just an ear, but the lights were off, making it just a house. Now I miss the sense of wonder, the effortlessness of being a child and not needing an excuse to fall in love. And I don’t know what I will miss ten years from now. I have dreams, I have nightmares, but I have no way of knowing if any of them will come true. I have hopes, I have fears, and I probably would miss not having them anymore. I guess that the thing all three of us have in common is loneliness. But I have to take the brunt of it. Because the other two are out of reach, and feelings have no reason to bother with them when they can easily prey on me.


I was told not to use words like hate lightly, but I never liked being told what to do, so, let’s play. When I was a child I hated the sound of the rain. It was an unwelcome reminder that I wasn’t the center of the universe, that I wasn’t special, just another drop, going through the same life as everybody else. Now I hate windy days, because they mess up my hair, and I don’t like being forced to change my mind. And I will most certainly hate living in a future whose creation I had no say in.


I don’t mind getting the leftovers, you can ask me anything, it’s not like my answers matter anyway. My ambition? There was a time when I wanted to have more friends than there were stars in the night, because even though I was young, I had already seen that there was power in numbers and there would always be. A while ago I realized that life is just a succession of bites, people hurt you and you hurt them, and since I refuse to come out the loser, the sooner I start sharpening my teeth the better. And if everything goes according to plan, one day I will be able to afford my little corner of the world. Far, far away from everybody else.


I have decided to bury my past and my future out of sight. It won’t be easy, because I am still a child and I can’t help dreaming, but I will do my best. I will live in the present, and I won’t let my eyes stray. Never again. This is the last time. Because I want love in my life, and I know that the only way not to lose it is to avoid all comparisons.


I am neither lovesick nor homesick. I am neither a pierrot in love with the moon nor a broken-off moon missing its home. My heart is whole, and so it shall remain. Even if I have to forget every memory and every dream I have ever had, I am willing to pay the price. My heart will remain whole and I won’t break into tears. All I have to do is forget that once upon a time I had more than just four walls and a roof, and every unrealistic, romantic notion of what love could be. That’s all I have to do, to keep this smile on my face.


It will pass. This hatred isn’t here to stay. Just a few more tears, and it will pass. It will. And as soon as it does, I will make the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. To say that I am sorry. That I will always love them. I will visit my past’s grave and my future’s cradle, and I will leave those beautiful flowers there. And I will cry, I won’t stop watering my apology until the guilt this hatred has left behind is gone for good too.


Do I look like a child to you? I don’t have dreams anymore, and neither do I have hopes. The birds can keep those for all I care. What I have are ambitions. Something that won’t end with tears in my eyes, but with blood in my hands. Because I will give my all, and I won’t stop until I get what I want.