Fate wanted us to do something with cards (NAIPES), freckles (PECAS) and short-tailed lemurs (INDRI). But we couldn’t agree on a deck, so, we will use those cards to build houses.


Fire destroyed the forest two indris called home. One of them rooted through the ashes and found a deck of cards. They had lost everything in the fire, that’s probably why he didn’t stop to wonder why those cards made of paper weren’t reduced to ashes lest the fire come back to give him an answer.

That indri picked up those cards and began to build a castle. He began to rebuild the forest the fire had taken from them, tree by tree.

The other indri lost most of its fur to the fire. He knew that he wouldn’t find it in the ashes, so, while his brother was building a forest of cards, that indri rooted through himself and discovered that his skin was covered with freckles. But inspiration didn’t strike, and those freckles went to waste.


I should never have worshipped the sun. It’s my fault, I brought this fire upon us.


So, this is what déjà vu feels like. I have lost count of how many times my home has burned to the ground. The fire is as bright as ever, I’ve just gotten used to this sight. The pain is not as acute as before. Rebuilding has become a chore, something I do by rote. It takes all my energy, maybe that’s why I haven’t made any new memories in a while. Bless that déjà vu for trying to keep me alive.


That fire took our home. There was no begging bowl. There was no pay what you want sign. But I heard it loud and clear. Copper coins disdainfully thrown into my chest cavity. One, two, a thousand freckles burned into my skin. Just to twist the knife.


I spent an afternoon playing connect the freckles. By nightfall I already had more than half a dozen constellations. How long do you think it will take me to come up with my very own zodiac?


I should count myself lucky, it could be worse. At least the fire left something in the ashes, I just have to play my cards right. I loved my home just the way it was, that’s why I know better than to try and rebuild it. A forgery may live up to the original work of art, but nothing can live up to breathtaking memories. It’s better if I just build something new and try to fall in love.


I wasn’t done, I still had love to spare. I’m not ready to mourn my home. My color is red, that’s where I feel at home. I’m not ready for black and grey. I don’t know what to do with smoke and ashes. They bring tears to my eyes, but I don’t feel like crying. I wonder if that makes me heartless. Anyway, I’d better start looking for a new home.


Don’t beat yourselves up, you put up a good fight. As the saying goes, you win some, you lose some. Look at it this way, you are giving the next generation a chance to try.


I am a child, there are still stars in my eyes. Sparkly little diamonds, that help me see the best wherever I look. I have no concept of how much things cost. All I know is that I love you, and the fire didn’t burn you to ashes.


Birds belong in the sky, they should build their nests on cave ceilings and leave the trees to our ancestors. I have never reached for the stars, Indri songs are closer to my heart. But I guess I could always spend all my pocket money on noise-cancelling headphones.


Standing on tiptoe, smoke might scratch the stratosphere, but fire sparks can’t fly that high. They will never become stars. The best they can hope for is becoming freckles on my skin.


I’ve lost sight of my brother, I no longer know what answer to give. I would have saved him in a heartbeat. Does this mean that he wasn’t mine to save? Do you think he will come back for me? I don’t want to grab the first thing I see. I wanted to grab my brother’s hand.


I built my home to last, I only used deep-rooted trees. But Fire had no problem destroying everything. This time I will build a house of cards. I will just have fun and not put my heart into it.