ORIGIN: We wanted something simple.

Empty your pockets and don’t forget to brush the lint from your most valuable possession, or else you won’t be able to dazzle anyone with it.


I am not a thief in the night. This plastic flower is a motherless, fatherless thing, and I like knowing that I haven’t cut a family’s time short.


I like candy wrappers. The sound they make. When I am old and wrinkled, I want to go out with a crinkle because nothing but sweetness is allowed to stick to my ghost.


I don’t know how inner lights work. I prefer candles because I wasn’t born with a mirror in my hand. There are no ripples when I think, the corners of my mouth don’t even twitch. I don’t feel a thing, and there’s a reason I sob loudly. I may not be a wolf, but I would rather howl at the moon and lose my voice trying to reach somebody else.


I’ve been told to grow up, but I believe in challenging myself. I’m not quite ready to bow down to life, but I know that traumatic change happens to the best of us, and I intend to face mine butterfly net in hand. The smallest one I can find. One last challenge and no room for compromise.


I wish I was one of those birds that have more than 5 songs in their repertoire, but my heart has always been a one-track record. There was a time when I thought that I would be able to dance away my life to that beat, but society proved me wrong, and I can’t even take comfort in the fact that my trash will become someone else’s treasure. Because it won’t.