Ears of wheat and thorns.

No saques espinas donde no hay espigas.


This one is about hope, about not losing hope. It says that even if you don’t find something useful or good (ears of wheat), you shouldn’t keep looking until you find something painful (thorns) instead.


Ears of wheat and thorns have something in common. Both leave painful scratches on the children’s hands. The youngest child doesn’t give up, she still has hope left. She keeps sowing wheat, hoping to one day have enough of it to be able to forget all about food and concentrate only on her dreams. The oldest child gave up a long time ago. Now she only collects thorns, hoping to one day turn into a hedgehog, and become finally untouchable.  

Ears of wheat and thorns.

Ears of wheat to make bread and learn to enjoy my life.


Spines as a reminder not to look back. The past hurts. Only the future in front of me is allowed to exist.


Ears of wheat to attract the birds that will lift my spirit.


Spines to become a hedgehog and keep the world from touching me.


Cereals for breakfast to have energy to work.


Spines on my back to avoid lying down to rest, because there is still much that has to be done.