Deer antlers and keys.

Hiding place and rainbow begin with the same letters. Inside the rainbow we found the antlers of a deer. And since every rainbow hides a treasure, we included the keys to open the chest.

Rainbows are the lock of a treasure chest, of a perfect hiding place. And there is a key in the antlers of every deer. Sadly, there is more than one deer in the forest. Antlers break, they fall off and get lost. So many keys in the forest but so few rainbows. It’s a tragedy. Because only one of those keys can open those rainbows. A key that could already have broken, fallen or gotten lost a long time ago. But we will never know.

Deer antlers and keys.

I am a realist. My chances of being the one that has the key that will open the rainbow are minimal at best. I have better things to do with my life than wasting it looking for rainbows.

I opened the rainbow. I can open and close it at will. The treasure is everything I imagined it would be.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up! Why won’t my antlers grow faster? I need the key to open that rainbow. It should already be mine. Hurry up!

I opened the rainbow. And I should have stayed there. Because I have lost the key and I cannot go back.

The key broke. Before I could reach the rainbow and try. It’s not fair.

I opened the rainbow. I locked it from the inside to be safe. But the key broke. And now I will never be able to return to the other side.