Cold war.

ORIGINS: It’s not an empty threat. The second seahorse in the original series is willing to push that button if its demands aren’t met. But it goes in one ear and out the other, so, we thought that the threat would be more believable if the animals wrapped their tails around the eyes of the characters, because no one wants to lose their soul.


Why don’t we call a truce? You know that I will never allow you to swim in my hair. Those memories are mine, and threatening to squash my eyes won’t make me change my mind. Even if you blind me, even if you leave me stranded and I can never add another drop to the sea, I still won’t let you touch my past. I can stand the cold, I just need a scarf or two to keep my voice warm. What about you? I know that you aren’t a good swimmer, do you really want to try your luck with a frozen sea? Because that is what I will do. As soon as you dive into my hair, I won’t hesitate to hate every single memory you touch. It will cost me dear, but if you make a mess of my past, I promise you that I won’t be alone in my misery.


Is this a game to you? Are you having fun? I know that you fell from your tree. I know how much that hurts. When I fell, I smiled, swallowing all my tears before they had a chance to reach my eyes and fall too, but it still hurt. That is why I know that this game you are playing won’t make your hurt go away. You want to pull up my hair, all the weeds, all the memories that led to that tree. And you think that if you threaten my eyes, the place where I store the seeds of all my future dreams, I will just let you get away with it. But erasing that tree won’t let you start from scratch. You can try. But I will cry. I will shed one tear after another, until all the seeds are gone. Falling from that tree shaped my bones, it made me who I am today. And if you erase me, I will make sure not to leave behind anything that could one day grow to even remotely resemble a tree.


I won’t be pushed! Who do you think you are, anyway? The sun? You are just a lion! You think that you can threaten to gouge out my eyes and I will just give in to your demands? That I will act according to your wishes? Think again! You are not the sun. You can’t blind me. You can only make me bleed. And when the blood you spill dries into darkness, my thoughts will still be mine.


You are right. There are too many colors in this life to settle for just one. You have done it before, haven’t you? You are a master at it, aren’t you? Well, what are you waiting for? I have no intention of stopping you. You never had to threaten me. If an invitation is what you want, I can give it to you. I dare you! Blend into my hair! Read my mind! Tell me who I am! The sooner you are done with it, the sooner I will follow you to a different color.