Clockwork mermaids.

ORIGINS: Mermaids are pack animals, ruled by the moon, just like wolves. We needed at least four more to complete the pack. There were hearts, fireworks and clockwork in the original series. The mourners have already made use of those hearts. And fireworks wouldn’t work in the sea. So, that left us clockwork for these mermaids.       


Why would I use the sun to mark the passage of time? Sunlight doesn’t reach the bottom of the sea, and that’s where we mermaids live. We use the length of our hair. That way we can easily get rid of the days we don’t like. It only takes a little snip. And everything is forgotten. Without a trace. Without pain nor regrets. That’s the secret to our eternal youth.


Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. I’m a perfect clock. You did a wonderful job fine-tuning me. Look at my smile. It won’t fade. I will be happy, all my life, and that is thanks to you. What? Malice? I don’t know what you are talking about. Listen to my heart. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Doesn’t that soothing sound remind you of the sea? No, no, forget those fish. My eyes are down here, close to the everlasting smile you wanted to see in my face. Why would I have spent time plotting something as silly as a revenge? Just because I was born a mermaid, with two halves in perfect harmony, and you decided to discard one of them, it doesn’t mean that I’m not grateful to you. I am. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.  


Did you have fun conjuring me up? You must have heard somewhere that water was life. You must have looked at the sea and thought that therein lies an eternity, ready for the taking. You made me half fish, hoping that I would live forever. Hoping that the fish would keep my other half from rotting away. But it wasn’t enough, was it? You were having fun, you felt like a god, with time on your hands. And you decided to add something more. A jellyfish. Something venomous, to sting me every time my thoughts deviate from yours. After all, I am just a toy to you. Only your words should be coming out of my mouth.


I caught a mermaid! The sun was right, there is nothing more useful than a smile. I won’t have to do anything else from now on. I will smile, and others will get me whatever I want. This mermaid will sing for me. And she won’t be the last.