A granddaughter’s name.

Ay abuelo, sembrasteis alazor y nacionos anapelo.   This proverb is about being ungrateful, about repaying kindness with ingratitude. It’s about sowing safflower (good flower) and getting wolf’s bane (bad flower) instead. Sadly, there are no wolves in the language the proverb uses. There is only a girl’s name and her hair.   The little

A granddaughter’s name. Read More »

Smile for the camera.

Lo mismo es acuestas que al hombro.   Potato, potato. Same difference. That was the word we used to say when we had to smile for the camera. The one that we haven’t spoken again, not since we realized that there will always be a difference between what actually happened and the memories we choose

Smile for the camera. Read More »