Birds of prey, nail clippers and the world.

Cuida bien lo que haces, no te fies de rapaces.


This proverb tells us to beware of inexperienced people. They could be birds of prey, they could be children or thieves, but the important thing is not to trust them. Never with something as important as the world.


The difference between children and birds of prey is that the later are born with sharp claws. Children are taught from an early age, they are told how to behave and what not to do. It can be done with scissors, it can be done with nail clippers, but the end result is the same. Children don’t get to play with the world, they don’t get to sink their claws in the world. Not unless they find a way to sharpen their claws, not unless they become thieves and steal the world no one will ever entrust to them.

Birds of prey, nail clippers and the world.

Such a waste. If they knew me, they would know that I am not interested in the world, that there is no need to file my nails.


My fingernails have grown back. Take care of me. File them. Love me.


Why doesn’t reciprocity exist? I don’t ask to be trusted. Not anymore. But I still entrust my hands to them, and that hurts.