Anteaters, tea cups and theater curtains.

ORIGINS: We don’t like the word ANTEATER. Its too literal, and we prefer hidden things. So, we gutted that word, and found TEA in its heart. But that wasn’t enough, the ants had to have something of their own too. So, we took a little artistic license, and gave them a THEATER for their puppet show.


This is the story of a pirate, who only had one treasure left to steal. He had already buried all the coins, there was no more gold left in the world, only the sun. But it was too big. There would be no burying it. Because the sea tried every night, and the sun still found a way to rise from its grave every morning. But the pirate knew in his heart that the sea would never give up. That every day it stole a little bit of the sun’s light. And one day the tea would be ready, the sea would taste of the sun. But the pirate didn’t know if he would live long enough, to steal the first gulp of that drink.


This is the story of a moon, that was used to having whatever she wanted. The night she was born, the sun blessed her with his light. And she grew up believing that others would always willingly surrender their most cherished possessions to her. She knew that she was loved. But that wasn’t enough. She wanted to know what falling in love with someone felt like. So, she asked for a cup of tea. Ten thousand red roses were thrown into the sea. And when they stained the sea pink, the moon lightly touched her lips to the cup. Moonlight fell on the sea’s surface. The moon took a sip. And her cheeks blushed a pretty pink.


This is the story of a panda bear, with dark, dark eyes. She was told that her eyes were the place where her soul lived. That the eyes didn’t lie, and everyone could see that there was darkness in her soul. She was given a choice. She could become a creature of the night, or she could grind her eyes and use them to make tea. She was told that she was loved, that they would help her to water her darkness down. And she gratefully accepted the water, the love, the help they were offering to her. Because she knew something that they did not. That making tea out of her soul wouldn’t make her weaker. Because she would no longer be alone. A little bit of her soul would live on, in all the people that touched her, in all the people that lent water for her tea. And she knew, that there was strength in numbers, in spreading the love.


This is the story of an anteater, that had almost lost its appetite. It spent its days eating ants, but it could no longer tell what they tasted like. The anteater had grown so accustomed to their taste, that its tongue no longer noticed it. The anteater didn’t like what it had become. A tea drinker. Because every ant it ate tasted like a watered-down version of something it had once loved. And the anteater feared that soon, that tea wouldn’t even be able to sustain it. The anteater feared for its life. That’s why it held on to its dream. Of one day catching a queen. Something that would bring back flavor and joy to its life.